Ep. 8: Deactivating Your Mind to Reactive Your Life  - Dr. David Perez Martinez


Is it possible to harness the power of sound to support us in letting go of old limiting belief systems and cultivate a better state of mental well being? 

In this episode, we interview psychotherapist Dr. David Martinez, who shares with us what he has found it takes to bring about profound changes in our mental and emotional well being. There’s no magic pill. Ultimately, only we can make the changes we desire in our life, but it is possible to use certain tools, including sound, to meaningfully support us in the process. 

Dr. Martinez shares with us practical tools and practices we can start using today to optimize our own healing journey.


Ep. 9: How NeuroAcoustics Can Eliminate Stress and Improve Health (Part 1) - Dr. Jeffrey Thompson


Ep. 7: The Healing Frequency of Love - Annaliese Reid