Ep 18: Learn a Powerful and Convenient Breath Technique for Regulating Your Nervous System Anytime, Anywhere


In this special episode, I teach a powerful breath technique that can quickly reduce your stress and anxiety levels, bringing your nervous system back into balanced regulation. The technique I teach here is very practical because it is quite portable--you can use it anytime anywhere--and is easy to learn.

If you do the technique correctly, which I will be going into detail about--you will surely experience very positive results. It's a tool you will be able to use and benefit from for the rest of your life. I hope you find it helpful. 


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Ep 19: How to Harness Sound, Language, and Psychedelics to Explore your Own Consciousness - Alexandre Tannous


Ep 17: Musical Intervals and Osteopathy - a Powerful Combination for Healing - Dr. Shawn Marie Higgins